Sunday, 20 June 2010

Barcelona post preview

Sitges, Spain, HD video test

Sitges, Spain

A brief update, I've finally got my first-ever apple computer product: Macbook 13"! It's really exciting and I can't wait to fully utilise my new born baby!

Mac OS X is truly an impressive OS, It looks very classy, more like a designer OS. If you ask me which is better, I would prefer to do my programming using windows and design stuff such as picture editing using Macbook, both has its own benefits.

Well, I've spent almost 10 hours + to get my adobe photoshop working, tested the CPP by canon and aperture by apple. Aperture amazes me at very first of its files allocating and faces recognition, but.. I've found there is no way (obvious way) for me to resize my photo (I only see crops) and it's really lagging! grr! I wanted to like Aperture but those really driving me crazy.

I've installed Marsedit, its a blogging tool for mac, I would prefer Windows life writer still. Marsedit kills a photo blogger like me, say why; I can't find a way to select all pictures and upload them at once, thats really killing me, poor thing. Btw, I'm using marsedit for this post :D

Lastly, many has fallen sick since we reached UK, weather sucks! It was 20+ Celsius in Spain but was 9 Celsius in London! I'm also ill, perhaps infected before going to Spain.

Photo Time!

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Love the beach!

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Where the skies are blue, you see it once again, my love..

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Hot hot!

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Our jumping session...

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Swee San always look cute! Especially when she's jumping or catching ball! LOL!

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Everyone is wearing bikini (some are even naked), only we were wearing that much, LOL!

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Pepsi Cola Coca Cola... Monkey...Volley Ball.. Numerous games we had

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I love the contrast in this pic

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how sweet :)

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hot hot!!

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I love this little town beside beach, I would love to visit again!

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To be continue, Barcelona..

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

与家人最后一站, London




她说: “哥哥,哥哥,拍我... Table Leg”, 应该是跳舞的基本功,哈哈


又是没有我的照片 T——T,摄影师的宿命,认了吧


到 Bank 走走



Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Scotland via York 与家人旅行


因为自己驾车;所以可以随意地停,很不错 :)

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通往Loch Ness!

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据说Loch Ness曾经出现过怪兽

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最高那位叔叔对不起啦,把你屁屁拍成这样 LOL

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York, 不错的小镇

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York Castle

从伦敦架到highland差不多九小时多,是很累的;建议飞到哪里再租车会好一点 :)

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